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Chapter Constitution and Bylaws

Constitution of Epsilon Chi
Spring 2024

Graduate students, who have not previously been members of Beta Alpha Psi, shall be considered for the candidate program after they have been matriculated into a Cal State Northridge (CSUN) graduate program in Accountancy. Prospective graduate candidates must have an accounting GPA (Grade Point Average) of at least 3.30, an upper division accounting GPA of at least 3.30, or an overall GPA of at least 3.30 or a GPA of at least a 3.30 in the 30
units most recently completed.

The Special Events Attendance policy should also be changed to mention that Candidates Integration Day and Weekend Seminar are mandatory events for all members, and Candidate Project is a mandatory event for all Candidates.

The Chapter Web site needs to have the by-laws updated.
Section 1: The name of this organization shall be:



Section 1: These Bylaws are subordinate to and in all ways subject to the National Constitution and Bylaws of Beta Alpha Psi, and hereby reaffirm the purposes, policies, and principles contained therein. Any provision of this document, which conflicts with the existing National Constitution and Bylaws, shall be null and void.

Section 2: These Bylaws shall be the principle-governing document of the California State University, Northridge Epsilon Chi Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi, and any Constitution or Bylaws previously existing are hereby superseded and are null and void.

Section 3: The California State University, Northridge Epsilon Chi Chapter affirms its knowledge of and adherence to all applicable University regulations.

Section 4: At least thirteen copies of the National Constitution and Bylaws and of the Chapter Bylaws shall be maintained at all times. One copy shall be placed in the Chapter’s minutes book or records. One copy shall be in the custody of the Faculty Adviser. A third copy shall be placed so as to be readily accessible at all times to members of the Chapter. Each new initiate shall be required to read the National Constitution and Bylaws, and the Chapter Bylaws. Ten copies shall be in the custody of the CSUN Constitutional Affairs Board via the Student Development Office.

Section 5: Should any Manual of Chapter Operations be prepared, it shall be considered as an Appendix to these Bylaws, and therefore subject to the same provisions covering Amendments to the Bylaws.


Section 1: The objective of this organization shall be to encourage and give recognition to scholastic and professional excellence in the field of accounting. This objective includes, but is not limited to, the following sub-objectives: to instill in its members a motivation for self-improvement; to foster high moral and ethical standards in its members; to cultivate a sense of responsibility and service in its members; to promote the collegiate study of professional accountancy; and to provide opportunities for association among its members and professional accountants.



Section 1: The membership of this Chapter shall consist of those individuals who are members as of the adoption of these Bylaws, and who are periodically admitted to membership in such manner and under such requirements as may be prescribed herein, as recorded in the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee and/or membership, or by the National Constitution and Bylaws.

Section 2: Membership in the Chapter shall be open to all persons, without discrimination, who are interested in the aims and purposes of the organization; who are willing to subscribe to its National Constitution and Bylaws and to this Chapter’s Bylaws; and who are otherwise qualified under the provisions set forth in those documents. Membership and participation in Beta Alpha Psi shall not be abridged on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religion, disability, national origin, sexual orientation, or veteran status

Section 3: Student members who are in good standing shall be entitled to hold office. All members in good standing and initiates in good standing may enjoy the privileges of this organization. Members in good standing are those who maintain their membership by payment of dues, and comply with these Bylaws and the regulations of the Chapter as recorded in the
minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee and/or membership. Initiates in good standing are those who maintain their initiate status by payment of dues, and comply with these Bylaws and the regulations as recorded in the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee, but have not been formally initiated into the Chapter.

Section 4: In addition to complying with all the qualifications for membership specified in the National Constitution and Bylaws, each Initiated Member, Up for Membership, Initiate, and Candidate in this Chapter shall meet all the pertinent requirements of this Article.

Section 5: An undergraduate student being considered for the Epsilon Chi Chapter candidate program should be a student that has Accounting, or Finance, or Information Systems as their declared major or option. All freshmen with declared majors in Accounting, Finance and Information Systems will be able to join. Said student should be currently enrolled in ACCT 230
with an accounting, finance, Information systems with an overall GPA of at least 3.30 or a GPA of at least a 3.30 in the 30 units most recently completed; or have completed ACCT 350 with an accounting GPA of at least 3.10, or an upper division accounting GPA of at least 3.10, and an overall GPA of at least 3.10 or a GPA of at least a 3.10 in the 30 units most recently completed.

Section 6: Graduate students, who were previously members in good-standing of the Epsilon Chi Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi as undergraduates, shall be allowed to continue their membership in the Epsilon Chi Chapter upon acceptance and matriculation into a CSUN graduate program in Accounting, Finance, or Information Systems. Graduate students, who were previously members of another Beta Alpha Psi Chapter as undergraduates, shall be allowed to transfer their membership to the Epsilon Chi Chapter: (a) upon acceptance and matriculation into a CSUN graduate program in Accounting, Finance, or
Information Systems, and (b) with the approval of both the Vice President of Membership and the Faculty Advisor.
Graduate students, who have not previously been members of Beta Alpha Psi, shall be considered for the candidate program after they have been matriculated into a CSUN graduate program in Accounting, Finance, or Information Systems. Prospective graduate candidates must have an accounting GPA of at least 3.30, an upper division accounting GPA of at least 3.30, and
an overall GPA of at least 3.30 or a GPA of at least a 3.30 in the 30 units most recently completed.

Section 7: To be considered for the Epsilon Chi Chapter candidate program, the Faculty Advisor will verify grade point averages. For purposes of computing these grade point averages, the Executive Committee shall define the computation procedure for accounting courses attempted. Specifically, courses which our Accounting Department does not transfer for full credit (such as Intermediate Accounting or Managerial Accounting taken at another school) will not be considered. Courses taken at another school, in which the course’s unit value is higher than if it had been taken at CSUN will only count for the number of units which would have been received had the course been taken at CSUN. For example, if an elementary accounting class is taken at a junior college where the student receives four units, and the same class is worth
three units at CSUN, only three units will be considered when computing the accounting GPA. The chapter will accept the lower of the overall grade point average or the CSUN grade point average, both as computed by the University Admissions and Records Office.

Section 8: A candidate period shall exist in order to acquaint prospective members with opportunities available in Beta Alpha Psi. This will be accomplished by an amount of required service activity as set forth by the regulations of the Chapter, as recorded in the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee and/or membership.

Section 9: Students can be fully initiated into the Chapter only after completing both ACCT 351 and 352 (or equivalent for graduate students) with an upper division accounting GPA of at least 3.00 and an overall GPA of at least 3.00, or a GPA of at least a 3.00 in the 30 units most recently completed . In addition, the student must have successfully completed the Chapter’s candidate program. Students who, with the approval of a majority of the Executive Committee, are elected to an officer position and otherwise meet the requirements for initiation may be initiated after completing ACCT 351.

Section 10: Students who have been fully initiated into the Chapter are referred to as Initiated Members. Those who have completed the candidate program successfully, but who have not yet been initiated are referred to as Initiates (or Up for Membership when enrolled in ACCT 352) with at least three semesters with Beta Alpha with completed point system points on each semesters. Students who are currently participating in the candidate program are referred to as Candidates.

Section 11: Initiation ceremonies shall be held at least twice in each academic year (at the end of each semester), and reported according to the National Constitution and Bylaws, and Chapter Activity Program.

Section 12: Faculty of the Department of Accounting with three years or more of full-time service are eligible for membership. Such faculty shall have taught accounting courses at the upper division or graduate level. To be considered for membership, a prospective faculty member must submit an application to be reviewed and approved by the Faculty Adviser.

Section 13: Honorary members may be initiated by the unanimous vote of those present at a Chapter meeting. They should be considered for their outstanding personal and professional attainments in the field of accounting.

Section 14: Members of the Epsilon Chi Chapter once classified as a student or faculty member who are no longer associated with California State University, Northridge shall be designated as alumni members.

Section 15: Members of other Beta Alpha Psi Chapters who transfer to California State University, Northridge shall be accorded rights and privileges equivalent to those that members of the Epsilon Chi Chapter enjoy.


Section 1: Any member whose dues remain unpaid one month after the required date as set forth more fully in Article VIII, Paragraph A, Section 2 shall be placed on probation. If such a member has already been initiated, then they will be classified as On Leave and/or Inactive for international reporting purposes.

Section 2: A member who has been placed on probation shall be denied all privileges of the chapter.

Section 3: A member who has been placed on probation shall be reinstated only through full payment of his/her account.

Section 4: A member may resign or be expelled from the Chapter, following the procedure outlined in the National Constitution and Bylaws. A two-thirds majority of members in good standing shall be necessary to accept the resignation or to expel a member from the Chapter. The President shall have the responsibility for proposing the expulsion of a member, specifying in writing to each Chapter member the reasons for the proposed action. A vote on the proposal may be held no earlier than two weeks after the written proposal is tendered to each student member and the Faculty Advisor of the Chapter.



Section 1: Business meetings shall be held at least two times during each of the academic semesters of the school year, unless otherwise approved by a majority of the Executive Committee.

Section 2: Emergency meetings may be called by the presiding officer or by a majority of the Executive Committee providing that the Faculty Adviser does not dissent from such action. Following are some considerations with regard to emergency meetings:
a. Notice of emergency meetings must be given forty-eight hours in advance to all active members who, at the time, are in the local area, or who reside full-time at a location other than in the University area.
b. Chapter business may be conducted at an emergency meeting.


Section 1: A quorum shall consist of 20 percent of all members in good standing. All action of such quorum shall be legal and binding upon the Chapter and its membership pursuant to Article VI, Sections 2 and 3 of the Bylaws.

Section 2: A business meeting shall be defined as a meeting open to the membership at which Chapter business may be transacted or discussed. Such business meetings shall be duly called and conducted under proper parliamentary procedure.


Section 1: Nomination of the Executive Board
a. The outgoing President, in coordination with the next President, shall propose candidates for the next Executive Board (E-board), considering individuals who can contribute to the betterment of Beta Alpha Psi (BAP).
b. The proposed E-board will be presented to the Faculty Advisor.

Section 2: Selection and Approval of Directors
a. The current and incoming E-board members shall collaboratively participate in the selection of Directors for the upcoming semesters.
b. This process shall ensure continuity and alignment with BAP's strategic objectives.

Section 3: Tenure of the Executive Board
a. Members of the E-board may choose to serve either a full academic year or a single semester.
b. This option must be declared at the beginning of their tenure to ensure adequate planning and transition.

Section 4: Ensuring Continuity and Effectiveness
a. To maintain organizational stability, at least one-third of the E-board and/or Directors should consist of members who have previously served on the board, if possible.
b. Regular assessments of the E-board's performance and effectiveness shall be conducted to
 ensure that BAP's objectives are being met.



Section 1: The President shall:
a. Be responsible for and have authority over the planning and conducting of the affairs of the Chapter;
b. Have such powers and responsibilities as precedent and reason dictate for the presiding officer of a organization; and
c. Supervise the appointment of directors.

Section 2: The Faculty Advisor shall:
a. Act as the official Faculty Advisor for the Chapter;
b. Counsel and assist the officers and directors;
c. Verify the appropriate reports going to the National Office as required by the Chapter Activity Program;
d. Ensure the continuity of the Chapter, and serve as the liaison between the Chapter and the Accounting Faculty, keeping them informed of the Chapter’s activities.
e. The Faculty Advisor shall not concurrently serve on the National Council.

Section 3: The Vice-President shall:
a. Serve as an assistant to the President, presiding in the President’s absence and succeeding the President upon resignation from office; and
b. Supervise all assigned directorships and report to the Executive Committee concerning the progress being made by such directorships.

Section 4: The Treasurer shall:
a. Bill and collect, dinner fees, sponsorship commitments and other necessary items;
b. Receive and reconcile the bank statement; maintain current and accurate records of the financial position of the Chapter; and prepare all reports required by the National Office; or reports the presiding officer requests the Treasurer to keep, in order that a complete and accurate record of the Chapter’s financial position may be ascertained at all times;
c. Report on the financial position of the Chapter at all business meetings unless this is waived by the Executive Committee;
d. Send to the National Office the national initiation fee and appropriately completed supporting 
documents for each active, honorary, and faculty initiated member within ten days after the initiation ceremony;
e. Prepare the financial statements, arrange for their audit, and send to the National Office the Chapter’s audited financial statements by the date designated in the National Constitution and Chapter Activity Program;
f. Bring to the attention of the Chapter those members whose period of probation has expired.

Section 5: The Activity Reports Secretary shall:
a. Assume responsibility for acquiring and keeping all National report forms, and submitting these forms promptly as designated by the Chapter Activity Program;
b. Assume responsibility for the articles written and forwarded to the Beta Alpha Psi National Newsletter;
c. Assume responsibility for reporting the names of all new members and officers to the National Office with all required information, including the appropriate verification and fees;
d. Assist other officers with such correspondence as is necessary for the administration of the organization;
e. Keep records of all correspondence in appropriate files;

Section 6: The Recording Secretary shall:
a. Keep an accurate and complete record of the proceedings of the Chapter meetings and attendance at such meetings. He/she should be prepared to report such information to the membership, should he/she be ordered to do so, either by the presiding officer or by request from the floor if such request is seconded;
b. Maintain a complete file of all directorship reports and other material designated to be kept by said officer on the order of the presiding officer;
c. Take responsibility for retrieving and distributing all Chapter mail and checking voicemail messages.
d. Collect membership dues.

Section 7: Any deviation from the duties described above shall be determined by the President; shall terminate with the term of office of the President; and is subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.


Section 1: The following directors shall be appointed to report to the Vice-President of Activities:
- Tuesday and Thursday Technical Meetings Director, Meet the Firms Director

Section 2: The following directors shall be appointed to report to the Vice-President of Membership:

- Candidates/ Alumni Relations Director, Tutoring Directors

Section 3: The following directors shall be appointed to report to the Vice-President of Operations:
- Weekend Seminar Director, Social Events Director, and Professional Development 

Section 4: Committee Director will assist the President.

Section 5: The President or Executive Committee may form, as deemed necessary, such other directorships or committees for the administration of the Chapter.

Section 6: The Executive Committee shall determine the rules for and recipients of any awards the membership shall establish.

Section 7: The following director shall be appointed to report to the Treasurer:
- Finance Director.

Section 8: The following director shall be appointed to report to the Technology Administrator:

- Multimedia & Technology Director.

Section 9: Publicity Director and Photography Director shall be appointed and report to the Secretary.


Section 1: The Executive Committee shall be composed of the President, Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Technology Administrator, Secretary, and such other Officers who may be appointed or elected under the creation of any future office. Over fifty percent of the committee shall be considered a quorum.

Section 2: The Executive Committee shall have responsibility, concurrent with that of the President, for the direction and administration of the activities of the Chapter. They shall have the power to handle such administrative details and organizational functions as reason and precedent dictate to such a committee.

Section 3: Decisions reached by the Executive Committee shall be by the majority vote of its members with the exception of the Faculty Advisor. Members in good standing, faculty members, honorary members, and alumni may attend any meeting of the Executive Committee and participate in any discussion at such meeting, but have no voting powers.



Section 1: Dues for the first semester during which a student is a candidate are a designated amount which is payable by a specified date set by the Executive Committee in the semester in which they are applicable ($100). Dues for student members and initiates shall be a designated amount payable by the date specified by the Executive Committee, in the semester in which they are applicable ($40).

Section 2: Dues may be increased or decreased without amendment, provided such an increase or decrease is approved by the Chapter membership on or before the date of the last business meeting of the academic year preceding the academic year during which the increase or decrease is to take effect.

Section 3: Any special assessment or refund of dues must be approved by the Chapter membership at a Chapter business meeting at least fourteen days preceding the date on which the dues shall be assessed or refunded in full or part.


Section 1: Although students are highly encouraged to vote in person, our chapter recognizes that certain events, such as interviews, may preclude a student’s attendance at an election. If attendance in person is not possible, a member may submit a signed and dated proxy (which may either be general or specific) to an officer. The proxy must be submitted to an officer personally.

Section 2: Beta Alpha Psi will work in a spirit of cooperation with the California State University, Northridge Accounting Association, MISA, and ALPFA to provide services for accounting, finance, and information systems students, and the community.

“In accordance with state law and the regulations of the California State University, no organization shall discriminate on the basis of race or ethnicity (including color, caste, and ancestry), religion (or religious creed), nationality, citizenship, age, medical condition, genetic information, gender (or sex), gender identity (including nonbinary or transgender), gender expression, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran or military status, or disability (physical or mental). CSU Student Activities Policy, Executive Order 1098 (Revised), grants that social fraternities and sororities may impose a gender limitation as permitted by Education Code Section 66273.”

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