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Membership Responsibility

The Epsilon Chi Chapter bylaws require non-initiated members to fulfill at least 45 points per semester in order to have good standing. Each hour of an event counts as 1.2 points. The points system is broken down into five categories:

BAP professional* – 15 points

Non-BAP professional – 10 points

Administrative – 5 points

Tutoring** – 5 points

Community Service – 10 points

Total points – 45 points

*Additional BAP Professional points will overflow into Non-BAP Professional points.

**Additional Tutoring points will overflow into Community Service Points.


BAP Professional Points

BAP Professional Points are earned by attending BAP-sponsored events in which an Accounting Professional presents. The point requirement for BAP Professional events for each semester is 15. Some examples of BAP-sponsored events may include:

  • BAP Technical Meetings

  • BAP Weekend Seminars

  • BAP Professional Development

  • Meet the Firms

  • Candidate Integration Day

  • Regional Meetings

  • BAP Alumni Event

  • BAP Sponsored Firm Contacting

  • BAP Resume Workshops/Mock Interviews

  • Initiation Dinner

  • Mock Meet the Firms

  • Teachers Appreciation Day

Non-BAP Professional Points

Non-BAP Professional Points are earned by attending professional events. Non-BAP Professional points include excess BAP Professional points. The point requirement for Non-BAP Professional events for each semester is 10. Some examples of professional events above may include:

  • AA/ALPFA/MISA Technical Meetings

  • AA/ALPFA/MISA Firm Tours

  • AA/ALPFA/MISA Professional Development

  • AA/ALPFA/MISA Student Development

  • AA Networking Workshops/Mock Interviews

Administrative Points

Administrative, or Admin, Points are earned by attending administrative events, including non-BAP sponsored events, and assisting other BAP directors with their events. The point requirement for Administrative events for each semester is 5. Some examples of administrative events may include:

  • BAP Organizational Meetings (E-Board Office Hours, Elections, Admin Hours)

  • BAP Social Events

  • Qualifying Social Events (BBQ, game night)

  • Table Sitting

  • Assisting Directors before, during, and after events

Tutoring Points

Tutoring Points are earned by attending or hosting tutoring sessions. The point requirement for BAP Tutoring for each semester is 5. Examples of qualifying tutoring events may include:

  • BAP Tutoring (as a tutor or tutee)

  • BHA Tutoring (as a tutor or tutee)

  • Private tutoring, as long as there is no money exchanged

  • BAP 350 Midterm Tutoring

  • BAP 350 Finals Tutoring

  • BAP 351, 352 , 450  Midterm Tutoring

Community Service Points

Community Service Points are earned by attending qualifying service events, including non-BAP sponsored service events.The point requirement for Community Service for each semester is 10. Tutoring services also count as community service once that category has been fulfilled.

*Members can attend other service events outside of school so long as proper documentation and contact information is provided. Please fill out the Community Service Form and send to


Failure to meet any of the point requirements will result in probation or removal from the organization.
If a Candidate or Initiate fails to meet one of the point requirements, then the member will be considered an Initiate on probation. If the Initiate on probation fails to meet one of the point requirements in their next semester with BAP, then the member will be expelled from the organization. Additionally, all initiates must be in good standing in order to become up for initiation.

If you experience any problems with fulfilling your points or notice a discrepancy, please contact

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